Friday, August 27, 2010

Mailman came calling

The mailman delievered these today. Thought you might like to see them. Have a wonderful weekend tatting & having fun!


Tattingrid said...

The mailman knocked on the wrong door, he should have delivered here!! I envy you for all your nice books. Wished I was sitting on your couch, watching over your shoulder and see all those lovely patterns..
Enjoy reading during the weekend!

BSOTF said...

I'm sorry I'll have to tell him that the next goes to her place, but since we don't know where that is,,I'll have to keep them until she comes to visit. LOL! I will be busy checking them out really good this weekend. You have a wonderful weekend too.

Marilee Rockley said...

Golly wow! That is a fantastic haul of books. Seriously, I don't have any of those - and I thought I had quite the stash. Have fun with all your new goodies!

Aga Winnicka said...

You will love them, I only miss two books from that set: "floral insertions" and "tatting" (the one in the middle), wish I could take a pick inside :))

BSOTF said...

I got them in two orders. Plus a few other books for other crafts. Maybe later on I'll show books for other crafts too. You might like them as well. I'm a softy for things of old! They are from the 1930's,1940's & the 1950's. Which some are the first additions too.
Enjoy the wonderful weekend ahead!!

BSOTF said...

Now if you lived closer we could have morning coffee together, read blogs & look at books that we have. Maybe you will find the ones you need to find yet.
Coffee break!LOL! Enjoy the weekend creating!

Imoshen said...

That's quite a collection you have going there. I have all the same books! LOL.. I hope you have as much fun going through them as I have.

BSOTF said...

Thankyou, I'm glad to know that you have them too. I have been going through them repeatedly for right now. Hope you are feeling ok! Have a wonderful weekend!

Eliz Davis aka Tatknot said...

Congratulations on your goodies. I recognize several of them from my personal collection. Have fun!

Karen T said...

So incredibly jealous!! Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun.

Typstatting said...

The mailman sure came a calling you are so going to be a busy little bee! Enjoy!!!

BSOTF said...

Thankyou, yes I have been busy checking them out really good. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

BSOTF said...

You don't have to be jealous. You might be able to find them too. Just have to keep your eyes open for them. I just put them on here so others could learn about them.

BSOTF said...

I'm always busy a doing something. Now I get to just add these to the list of things to do, my honey do list...LOL!

Suztats said...

Wow! What a haul! Puts my tatting library to shame! Are you going to make tons of goodies from your new books? I wanna see!

BSOTF said...

I don't put those things on my blog. Make sure I don't upset others in anyway. However I will be making alot of things using my books as guilds when I have questions. I hope that you like what ever comes to life.
I will be making some of the stuff from books but not posting them on here. I normally only do something once & go on to something else. Keeps me challenged this way. Winter is coming so you never know what will come to life..
Have a wonderful weekend, Suz! Keep an eye on the snow peopole..LOL!

God's Kid said...

Looks like you will have lots of inspiration! Have fun! :)

BSOTF said...

Thankyou God's Kid. Most of all I am able to share with others that these books are out there. For they might enjoy them too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend making things to show all of us.

Isa said...

Dear tatting friend thank you for your comment in my blog.
You are lucky with all those fabulous books you get.
Have a wonderful Sunday evening.
My best wishes from the south of Scandinavia.

BSOTF said...

I wasn't sure if you recived my comments. But I'm glad you know that I like your tatting & pictures. I have been checking those books out for inspiration for more crations to come to life. Stop again & have a wonderful Sunday!

Linda said...

Wow, that's a great collection. I have alot of these and I love them. I love to look at them and be inspired. Enjoy.

BSOTF said...

That's what I use them for too. Plus they are fun to see how people had things back then as well. Old books tell more than some people expect.