Friday, August 27, 2010

necklace & earring tatting

Now I can dress nice for tractor pulls & football games! Let the fun times begin. Others can talk to a tractor to find out if they look nice.


Aga Winnicka said...

Look at that metal finding!! Fantastic!!! I love the colors and fact that you didn't use them "traditional" way, meaning rings one color and chain another, Bravo!!

BSOTF said...

You are right..but you know that's what happens when I shake my head..something falls out & I have to make it. No, I don't do everything traditional ways. You know I think out side of the box & this is what happens. Now it's coffee time with you! LOL!!

Tattingrid said...

Yes, the tatting is nice and so is the metal necklace itself. We do not have such necklaces, I would have loved to use one like that... Tomorrow my sister and I will go to a tatting and bobinlace market and we really hope to buy some nice things.. who knows, maybe they have nice necklaces I can use for my tatting as well..

BSOTF said...

I wish you luck on finding the necklace so you can use it for your necklaces too. Your work is wonderful to see. I have noticed that your's are coming right along very well how you are doing them. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.