Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Don't think about it! What is the fist thing that come to mind?

Don't think about it! Tell what the fist thing is that you think of when you see something like this the fist time? No answer is going to be wrong.


Suztats said...

I thought: kaleidoscope. I thought of that cylinder I hold against my eye and turn to hear shapes bouncing, and see the 'picture' change. It seems there are layers to your picture of shapes upon other shapes, and it inspired my thought.

Krystle said...


BSOTF said...

Wow, that's a cool thought! Yes, I can see how you would think that. Yes, sometimes seeing things like this does inspire things to come! Can't wait to see how & what you make! Thanks for playing along.

BSOTF said...

Thanyou, Krystle. I agree it's pretty.

God's Kid said...

I thought it was a tatted doily in amazing colors and then realized it was a picture of some type. :)

Fox said...

Cruella DeVIlle!!

Go figure! You asked!
Fox : )sescest

Valerie said...

a grand floral arrangement. wow, gorgeous!

BSOTF said...

God's Kid,
That's what I thought when I fist saw it too. Believe it or not a friend got one for me & one for her so we have matching shirts for Christmas! I told her," That looks like tatting!" We like being creative & both of us teach little ones.

BSOTF said...

That's a good one! Sorry I can't say anything but ask How did you see her in that? Unless it when she's decorated up by the dogs in a cake. Then the dogs done a wonderful & amazing job cause she looks the best I've ever seen her look yet! LOL!! I do love your answer!!! Remember no answer is wrong.

BSOTF said...

I can see how you get that. Amazing how all of us see different things but it's great to know so many things can be seen by one thing & by many eyes. Yes, we are creaters of many crafts & it's wonderful!

tatterjil said...

Stained glass window! Like the rose window in a cathedral.

BSOTF said...

I can see why you would think that. So many answers & none are wrong. But we all get to find out how we each see things different when looking at the same thing. That's so wonderful to know we all see or think of something others don't. Merry Christmas!

Aga Winnicka said...

At first I thought that this is one of your tatted outside the box ideas for Christmas!!! You got me good here :)))
BTW, this is beautiful

BSOTF said...

Don't feel bad. When I first saw it Tatting popped into my mind too. It's a shirt that a friend got us both one of for Christmas! I just thought it would be fun to see how all of us see things in many ways cause no answers are wrong here. Which is kind of thinking outside the box. So you see you was kind of right. Sweetie, I just have to love you as a great friend you are. Life isn't dull when we are together. So smile!!!