Wednesday, September 22, 2010

macramé cord tatting

Yes, you can even tat with macrame' cord. The yellow ball of thread is size 10 Flora buttercup so you can see it's possible. Just have to use your hands to do it without a shuttle.


Tattingrid said...

Sure, why not use this material? I had in mind to "tat" a doormat with small rope, using the pattern of a doily. You are inspiring me to give that a try one day. Ingrid

BSOTF said...

You can even crochet & knit with macrame' cord too. Trust me I have done that several years ago. Yes, you could make a door mat or even something to keep on your table as a decoration that you could also use to sit hot dishes on too. This cord comes in different sizes of thickness. Just make sure it's flexable what ever one you go to use. IF you use rope just make sure it's flexable too. Plus I would love to see it when you get it done! Good luck if you decide to do that. Anything is possible in crafts & tatting!

Aga Winnicka said...

Wait the second, what do you mean no shuttle??? That's just like cheating or something...don't you dare call it tatting!

Hahaha, kodding, this is AWESOME idea!!!

BSOTF said...

It would take a really big shuttle or needle to use them this way. That's why I just do hand or finger tatting using this big of cord. I knew you would love this suggestion. Anything is possible in crafts so they keep growing. Good morning, Sunshine! Coffee is wonderful!

Imoshen said...

Wow from thread to leather to really are trying anything and everything to tat with. Good work there. My poor hands can't take it but if they could I'd try and go crazy with it too.

BSOTF said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have trouble with your hands. Cause we could have fun seeing who could come up with what else could be used. But this just shows why I tell others to think outside the box when it comes to crafts. Cause you never know what is possible & hasn't been tried before. After all we are spose to encourage each other as well as challenge ourself plus others.