Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas baubles tattings

These I done last year. I know it's that time of year to do more of them & see how they turn out this time around. I use the little ones cause our tree isn't very big. Oh, it's fun to do them as well.


Tattingrid said...

How cute! How do you get this done, those tiny little things??

BSOTF said...

Thankyou, very carefully. But it didn't take long at all & you can do them just like you do the bigger ones too. Happy Holidays!

God's Kid said...

They looks so cute and I think smaller things can sometimes get more attention. :)

BSOTF said...

Thankyou, Kathy! I agree. But sometimes people have little tress due to they don't have a lot of room for big ones. Happy Thanksgiving!

Suztats said...

These are so cute! Are they unbreakable balls? They look so nice with the colour shining through the white.

BSOTF said...

Yes, they are unbreakable kind. However that's due to I can't get any glass ones right now. I'm working on more for this year. Only those all went to homes that was thrilled to get them last year.
Now I'm busy dealing with Christmas gifts & doing a few of these for us.

Aga Winnicka said...

Wow, you did a lot lately!!! I haven't visit you for a while, but you have been busy girl!!!
I love the ornaments, all the sudden they got so personal :)

BSOTF said...

I done these last year.They ended up being gifts for friends. Now I'm working on the ones for this year & they will be kept for our tree. Yah, I know you got busy dealing with things & haven't been around much lately. But I understand that.

Karen T said...

I picked up some tiny ball ornaments at Ikea last week to tat over. My husband thought I was crazy, but now I'll have to show him the picture of the ones you did. I want to use them as gifts for coworkers.

BSOTF said...

Well, if tatting small balls makes us crazy,,,then I know I at least have company & not alone! Yes, show him, then tell him I said," Merry Christmas!" They will make lovely gifts!