Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hemp Cord tatting

Hemp cord can be tatted to make things's not just to make jewerly with anymore.


Aga Winnicka said...

Thre you go, outside of the box again. What will it be this time?

BSOTF said...

So far it's not much..still working on it. Gotta get it done soon for a birthday gift. Now how mean of me huh? Sorry but as long as it turns out a 4 year old will be very pleased with the pretty!

God's Kid said...

Looks awesome to me! Can't wait to see the finished product! :)

BSOTF said...

God's Kid,
Yes, I hope it all works like I see it. Cause I want her to be very pleased with it. I'll show it to you when it's all done.

Suztats said...

Hey Bsotf! Cool doodlings with hemp! You keep us wondering and on our toes.

BSOTF said...

When something pops in my head..I have to find out the answer on what about this or how about using that. Kind of like the rusty cloth & other things you do that I see on your blog. Which is really cool in my eyes.