Friday, August 20, 2010

Some of the neighbors in our area

The top one is the ones I hear the wind of their wings when they fly by. Tat's loves them, but hate what they leave on side walks!

This is one of DNR's dogs running around loose . For if it was a deer, supper would have been on. Their dog walked off freely.
The last one you have to look close. IF you see her eye, then you see her.


Suztats said...

Nice to have friendly neighbours that come to visit!

BSOTF said...

Yah, most my nieghbors live in the top of trees. Which is what I do love about my nieghbors. Most people never see the things or hear the sounds I do. Glad you like my nieghbors too.

Isa said...

I love animals and your neighbours are so cute. Lucky you! :)

BSOTF said...

Thankyou! I'm glad that we love animals. I had to take these pictures to prove to my landlord that I had the perfect hunting spot. For he's into hunting, but you can't hunt where we live.

Aga Winnicka said...

It must be very peaceful where you live, perfect place to create. No wonder you have so many original ideas :))

BSOTF said...

I wish it was so peaceful. But little ones keep it very lively! I was thinking of you this morning. Good thoughts of course. Something fell out again..when you see what you will laugh! Gotta go finish it so I can put it on soon.

Tats said...

Love your neighbors but tell them to keep their droppings to themselves!

BSOTF said...

IF they didn't do that you wouldn't have a reason to spin your wheels!!!LOL! It's their way to let you know they love you too!