Tuesday, July 20, 2010

a tiny non stop flower tatting

It's not stacked, it just keeps going however long you want to do it.


Typstatting said...

Love the flower and the thread colour you come up with some great tatting.

Arty Lady's blog said...

I just adore this, it's gorgeous. If you made it small enough, it could be a ring (not sure how you would protect the cotton though).

Suztats said...

layers and layers! love the thread too!

BSOTF said...

Thanks TypsTatting, I'm glad that you like it.

Arty Lady's blog, I'm glad that you like it. But it would be better for like on a hat where it could be sticking out a little like the fancy lady hats have flowers that stick out. I have a little hat for someone who I've been making tatting for. Guess I'll find out how it will work for a hat.?!

Isa said...

Your tiny flower are cute. I liked very much!
I send you my best wishes!
Isa in south of Scandinavia..

BSOTF said...

Isa, Thankyou very much. Thankyou for the best wishes too. I send you mine as well.

BSOTF said...

They are done non stop. It just looks like they are done in layers. I'm glad that you like the colors & how they look.

Marilee Rockley said...

I don't know how I missed seeing your blog before (well, I have been too busy to do much blog-hopping lately) but anyway, you have so many very pretty things! The 3D flower is exquisite!

BSOTF said...

Thankyou for liking my flower. I'm glad that you like the things I make. Hope you come again & join the fun..tea, coffee, chocolate to relax with too. You are so busy that it's easy to understand why you never seen my blog before. It's ok, I'm just keeping quiet & busy making things. Come again.

God's Kid said...

So very pretty! :)

BSOTF said...

Thankyou very much God's Kid. I'm glad that you like it.

Tats said...

Lovely flower! You are so creative!

BSOTF said...

Thankyou Sweetie, Tats. It just popped up one second & had to be made.

Aga Winnicka said...

This is just lovely, is it your own pattern? Can you share it please?

BSOTF said...

Make a 5 petal flower & don't hook the last ring to the first one. Instead just keep going around & around. Enjoy.