Thursday, July 8, 2010

Iron apple with tatting

Motif #15 of the 25 Motif Challenge done in Aunt Lydia's red & JP Coats white on an iorn apple decoration.


Suztats said...

Nicely done! There's a lot of chat about tatting on wire lately. This is a great idea. Gives me an idea.....I have some large metal hearts stashed away somewhere...unless I already recycled them.........hmmmmmm. Thanks for sharing Bsotf!

BSOTF said...

I'm glad you like it. I have some others I could do too. But for right now.. I think I'll wait to do them. If you find your's I'd love to see how you do your's. Let your mind run wild with it. You will be surprised at how easy it is & how much fun it can be.

God's Kid said...

That's an awesome job! :)

Aga Winnicka said...

Metal apple? I haven't see that one yet! You're so creative, I wonder what else are you going to come up with :))

BSOTF said...

God's Kid,
Thankyou you! It was easy to do & I had to make sure that it was like an apple when you cut it open sort of.

BSOTF said...

Thankyou, I don't know for sure what else I will come up with next. But there's alot inside me to be made yet. said...

That's some fantastic thinking! It looks wonderful.

BSOTF said...

Thankyou, victats. I am just doing what comes naturally to me.

Tats said...

Awesome apple!

BSOTF said...

Thanks, Tats! I still have another something coming...the end is soon.