Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hair decoration tatting

Done in red burst & western sunset of Lizbeth thread.


StringyDogs said...

Beautiful & beautifully done! How do you stiffen them? Or are they more for decoration?

BSOTF said...

I didn't stiffen them. IF you make them tight as you make them, it will be stiff. You don't have to use any stiffener on them. I'm glad that you like them. said...

I've been thinking about a bun holder or something along the same lines. I really like how you designed the holder. How does it work in your hair?

BSOTF said...

It works fine in my hair. You can use bobby pins to help hold it in if you need. I know what you mean about a bun holder. I have some made of metal. You shouldn't have any problems with making yours. I can't wait to see it.

IsDihara said...

Pretty, pretty! Now I wish I hadn't chopped off my shoulder-length hair.

Oh well, I can still admire your lovely creation. Well done!

BSOTF said...

Your hair will grow back out if you want it to. I'm glad that you like it. Yes, you are very welcome to come & check out things here anytime you want. Drink some tea or what you like & stay awhile.

Aga Winnicka said...

That is very clever. I tried it once but I guess my hair are too heavy, they dont hold on lace, but yours looks beautiful. I love the colors

Bonnie said...


BSOTF said...

Did you try to use the hair tie to help hold it in? Yes, I still have to use one in my hair. Then run the quill or metal bar through the hair tie to hold it in place. You can also use bobby pins to help if need to, just have to be careful to not mess up the lace.

BSOTF said...

Bonnie, Thankyou. Glad you like it.